Place born
Organisation / Person
1607-1678, etcher, active London from 1636-1644, 1651-, Bohemian

Hollar, Wenceslaus

1607 - 1678

1686-1743, astronomer, Indian

Jai Singh

1686 - 1743

active 1690-1760?, surgical instrument maker; cutler, London

Best, John

1690 - 1760

c. 1668-1728, scientific instrument maker; mechanic, English

Rowley, John

1668 - 1728

c. 1478-1553, physician; scholar; poet; astronomer; geologist, Italian


1478 - 1553

1683-1746, active 1730s, artist, Jerseyan

Lemprière, Clement

1683 - 1746

1606-1649, son of Galileo, especially gifted in poetry, music, and mechanics, Italian

Galilei, Vincenzo

1606 - 1649

1600-1947, military medical service, India

Indian Medical Service

1600 - 1947

1509-1564, theologian, French

Calvin, John

1509 - 1564

1491-1547, king of England and Ireland, reigned 1509-1547

Henry VIII

1491 - 1547

c. 1680-1751, portrait painter; artist, British

Gibson, Thomas

1680 - 1751

1600-1649, reigned 1625-1649, king of England, Scotland, and Ireland, British

Charles I

1600 - 1649

1682-1745, garden designer; writer, English

Switzer, Stephen

1682 - 1745

1639-1694, scientific instrument maker, German

Hager, Michael Tobias

1639 - 1694

1561-1636, physician; physiologist, Italian

Santorio, Santorio

1561 - 1636

1601-1667, 2nd Marquis of Worcester; courtier; scientist, English; British

Somerset, Edward

1601 - 1667

d. 1682, physician; Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Paris; French

Morand, Antoine

1600 - 1682

c. 1512-1575, physician; scholar, Dutch

Junius, Adrian

1512 - 1575

1671-1734, cattleman; outlaw, Scottish

MacGregor, Robert Roy

1671 - 1734

1668-1738, anatomist; physician; botanist, Dutch

Boerhaave, Herman

1668 - 1738

1663-1713, Prince of Tuscany

Ferdinand III de Medici

1663 - 1713

1696-1755, mining engineer; colliery steward, English

Spedding, Carlisle

1696 - 1755

1696-1777, chemist, French

Bourdelin, Louis-Claude

1696 - 1777

1675-1755, priest; historian; poet, Italian

Baruffaldi, Girolamo

1675 - 1755

1654/8-1738, artist; engraver; medallist, French

Saint Urbain, Ferdinand de

1658 - 1738

1693-1764, postal entrepreneur; philanthropist, English

Allen, Ralph

1693 - 1764

1532-1592, count of Hesse-Kassel,

Wilhelm IV

1532 - 1592

1685-1750, musical composer, German

Bach, Johann Sebastian

1685 - 1750

about 1620-1685, active 1654, inventor of a type of logarithmic slide rule; mathematical instrument maker, English

Bissaker, Robert

1620 - 1685

1675-1728, physician, British

Freind, John

1675 - 1728

1457-1482, duchess of Burgundy


1457 - 1482

1663-1729, ironmonger; inventor of atmospheric steam engine, English

Newcomen, Thomas

1663 - 1729

1656-1742, astronomer, English

Halley, Edmond

1656 - 1742

1673-1733, engraver, France, French

Picart, Bernard

1673 - 1733

active 1685-1723, optical instrument maker, London, England; English; British

Marshall, John

1659 - 1723

1658-1740, sculptor; medallist, Italian

Soldani-Benzi, Massimiliano

1658 - 1740

1687-1761, medallist, French

Duvivier, Jean

1687 - 1761

1694-c. 1776, astronomer, English

Phelps, Thomas

1694 - 1776

1651-1742, mathematician, British

Sharp, Abraham

1651 - 1742

1451-1504, monarch; queen, Spanish

Isabella I of Castile

1451 - 1504

1674-1702, active from 1695, mathematical, philosophical & nautical instrument maker, English

Tuttell, Thomas

1674 - 1702

1682-1742, engraver; printmaker; woodcutter, English

Kirkhall, Elisha

1682 - 1742

1577-1640, artist, German-born, Flemish; Belgian

Rubens, Peter Paul

1577 - 1640

1691-1779, medallist, French

Roettiers, Joseph-Charles

1691 - 1779

1641-1707, natural philosopher; monk of the Premonstratensian order, German

Zahn, Johann

1641 - 1707

1577-1644, chemist; physiologist; physician, Belgian

Helmont, Jean Baptiste van

1577 - 1644

1668-1744, philosopher; historian; jurist; rhetorician, Italian

Vico, Giovanni Battista

1668 - 1744

1614-ca. 1690, painter; printmaker, Dutch; active Italy, United Kingdom

Borcht, Hendrik van der

1614 - 1690

1681-1755, active 1707-1730, mathematical instrument maker & map surveyor, English; British

Glynne, Richard

1681 - 1755

1665-1727, engraver; medallist, Flemish

Roettiers, Norbert

1665 - 1727